A duality of architecture


THESIS: A duality of Architecture. expressed through work and leisure. "Man must work to obtain leisure; con'l~rsdy. if man dot:s not recreate there is no will to work". Architecturt: can provide a common ground, which imites work, whilc demanding leisure. SCOPE: A market place. containing indoor and outdoor activities. The combination of penn anent and temporary vendors, who furnish the amenities needed for t:'(~ryday existence: those which nourish the body. as well as, the spirit. CONTEXT STATEl\lENT: Located in Santa Fe, Nt:w Mexico, the project encompasses approximately one acrc. In this acre, the concerns of a very fragile. historical neighborhood and a thriving industrial strip surround and control the heritage and future of this city.



Architecture, Marketplaces -- Design and construction., Marketplaces -- New Mexico -- Santa Fe.
