The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit: A Selective Review and Analysis of the Panel's 2010-2011 Insurance Law Opinions



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Texas Tech Law Review


The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit's panels decided approximately insurance-law or insurance-related disputes between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011. To a greater or lesser degree, however, only twenty-six decisions are simply highlighted or discussed fully in this Article.



First-party insurance disputes involving state substantive laws and statutes, First-party claims, Tangible residential and commercial property losses, Concurrent causation, Additional payment, Double recovery, Reverse anti-concurrent causation, Intangible commercial property losses, Business-interruption, Third-party claims, Automobile-related duty-to-defend, Duty-to-indemnify, Pollution claims, Federal environmental remediation claims, Insurers' duty to indemnify


Willy E. Rice, The Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit: A Selective Review and Analysis of the Panel's 2010-2011 Insurance Law Opinions, 44 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 733 (2011-2012)