Additions to Camp Rockmont for boys


Architecture can provide educational experiences that inform the participants about the natural environment. Experiences can be described as the conscious events that make up an individual life. We use our senses to interpret our experiences. Through personal and shared experiences one can form an understanding of self and others. Through both of these experiences we can gain an understanding of the world in which we live. Architecture can be a vehicle that can provide psychological and physical connections to the natural environment. This can be achieved through creating associations between the spaces we dwell in and the world we live in. It is through these connections and associations that an individual can achieve an understanding of their relationship with the natural environment. Understanding is the foundation of education. Context/ Facility. The natural context is the southern chain of the Appalachian mountains near the town of Black Mountain in western North Carolina. The built context is the specific collection of structures that exist in Camp Rockmont for boys. The facility is an organized camp facility that teaches young boys to learn about themselves, others and the world in which they live. The role of the buildings in this camp is to accomodate the activites of learning and sharing. When the facilities with in the facility type seek to serve the whole, a greater sense of unity can be achieved. The proposed facilities to be designed are the camp business administration offices and related spaces, a camp infirmary, and female / nurses living quarters.






Camp Rockmont (N.C.), Camp sites, facilities, etc.
