The Rivers Edge: A retirement community
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ABSTRACT The open society, the unrestricted access of knowledge, the unplanned and uninhibited association of man for its furtherance, these are what make a vast, complex, ever-growing, ever-challanging, evermore specialized and expert technological wortd, never-the-less a worid of human community.' J. Robert Oppenheimer. Science and the Common Understanding Architectural relationships. symt)olic and tangible, can be used to express the concept of community of interest. Witi^ these architectural relationships, we can define a "place** for a community. The facility v^ll be a **retiremenr community, a place that w\\ allow aging people to enjoy their golden years with a useful and productive lifestyle. The object is not to store these aging people away, but to allow them to perform as many functions as they wish, without having to v/orry about tiie daily chores they may not enjoy. The site is boated in San Marcos. Texas. San Marcos is a small town, population of 28.743. and is located in south-centi'al Texas adjacent to Interstate 35. It is 26 miles south of Austin, and 45 miles north of San Antonio. San Marcos provides most of tiie site requirements necessary for a retirement community such as:
- Urban Interaction - the site is close enough to urt>an areas (Austin and San Antonio) to provide adequate clientele, cultural events, large transit hubs, etc. But far enough to provide adequate separation from high crime rates, noise, pollution, and many otiier negative aspects of large urban areas.
- Recreation Facilities - the site provides many off site recreation facilities, such as shopping centers, golf courses, restaurants, historical sites, and a small university.
- Medical Facilities - the site provides one medium size hospital, two clinics and a rehabilitation center, all minutes away.
- Religious Services - a wide variety of churches and religious activities are closely available.