Growth, carcass, and meat traits of crossbred beef × dairy cattle
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The number of crossbred beef × dairy slaughter cattle in the U.S. has recently displaced a considerable proportion of dairy slaughter cattle. Very minimal investigation of beef production traits in beef × dairy crossbreds of the U.S. has been reported, especially in large commercial feedlot pen or beef production facility settings. Concepts of cattle growth types were reviewed to provide an understanding of considerations that might be important for beef × dairy crossbreds in the U.S. production system. In the first study, observational analyses of dairy cow performance, feedlot closeouts, and carcass traits provided a modern perspective of beef × dairy crossbreeding effects in the U.S. In the second study, morphological growth at 3 feedlot processing times and carcass performance were measured in similarly managed crossbreds that distinctively expressed beef- or dairy-type. In the third study, carcasses from conventional beef cattle, high-yielding crossbreds, low-yielding crossbreds, and dairy cattle were fabricated, and carcass yield and subprimal cutout value cattle types were compared among cattle types. Lastly, beef- versus dairy-type expression in crossbreds was evaluated for its influence on meat quality traits, including steak shape, color, tenderness, and flavor. When breeding dairy cows to beef sires versus dairy sires, gestation time was greater (P < 0.05), but lactation performance was not affected (P > 0.05). Feedlot pens of crossbreds had lesser (P ≤ 0.01) dressing percentage but produced fewer (P < 0.05) yield grade 4 and 5 carcasses than pens of conventional beef cattle. Likewise, carcasses of crossbreds had less (P < 0.05) fat thickness than conventional beef cattle and greater (P < 0.05) ribeye area than Holstein cattle. Beef-type and dairy-type crossbreds were not different (P < 0.05) in body weight or body weight gain at any point during finishing. Differences (P < 0.05) in morphological body type were demonstrated between beef × dairy crossbreds exhibiting beef- versus dairy-type using hip height, fat thickness, and round conformation, among other measures. Relationships among these measures, especially those related to muscling, warrant further exploration to effectively sort, manage, and market among beef-type and dairy-type crossbreds. Differences (P < 0.05) between high-yielding and low-yielding crossbreds in carcass subprimal yield and cutout value were almost as great as differences (P < 0.05) in the same traits between conventional beef and dairy cattle. Beef cattle and beef × dairy crossbreds produced markedly greater (P < 0.05) carcass yields and cutout values than dairy cattle, which was attributed to large differences in subprimal to bone. Beef × dairy crossbreds, when represented as an average of HY and LY types, were lesser in subprimal to bone and greater in subprimal to fat than beef cattle, which equated to similar cutout values between these cattle types. A combination of greater (P < 0.05) subprimal to bone in the round and loin and greater (P < 0.05) subprimal to fat of the rib differentiated (P < 0.05) cutout value between HY and LY beef × dairy crossbreds. When they achieved such a combination, HY crossbreds produced greater (P < 0.05) subprimal cutout value than average beef cattle. Steak shape, color, and palatability were largely not affected (P > 0.05) by expression of beef- versus dairy-type within crossbreds. This dissertation characterized important terminal traits and identified opportunities for improvement in beef × dairy crossbreds of the U.S. production system.
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