Parametric Analysis of Logistics and Life Support Systems for Deep Space Mission Design



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45th International Conference on Environmental Systems


We developed a parametric analysis tool of logistics and life support systems for deep space mission design. The mass analysis model was made using a rocket equation based on trajectory and propulsion data able to analyze various kinds of mission. We set the values of NASA Design Reference Mission 5 (DRM-5) in the tool and compared the initial masses in low Earth orbit (IMLEO) between the reference mission and the results calculated by this tool. The IMLEOs of three selected missions were within the limits of sixteen percent under or six percent over those of the DRM-5. Although the life support impact on mass is very large, a life support system analysis has not been included in the reference mission. Therefore, we developed a mission design tool that included the life support system analysis able to analyze mass and reliability. We conducted parametric analysis of missions regarding Mars capture method, life support system recycling method, in situ resource utilization method, biomass production, and power supply method. We found that the increase of power supply system mass and biomass production system mass make the IMLEO increase at a higher rate. Finally, we analyzed the Mars One one-way trip mission and a hypothetical round-trip mission using this tool and compared the four cumulative IMLEOs among Mars One one-way, Mars One round-trip, DRM-5 multiple sites, and DRM-5 one site missions.


Bellevue, Washington
Hiroyuki. Miyajima, Tokyo Jogakkan College 1, Japan
The 45th International Conference on Environmental Systems was held in Bellevue, Washington, USA on 12 July 2015 through 16 July 2015.



