To become a part of Corpus Christi: An aquarium
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Organic Architecture is illustrated by using the natural forms of a specific area to represent that area and the environment that surrounds it. Sonte of the natural elements of Corpus Christi's beach include waves, sandy beaches, sea shells, and aquatic life. The aquarium wiU use the waves as a circulation device that will lead the visitor through the aquarium. The idea of the beach vrfll serve as the foundation in which the aquarium will be placed. The aquarium will also use the form of a sea shell to house the aquatic life that is associated with Corpus Christi. The aquarium will be located within Cole Park near Corpus Christi's downtown. At the park there are many activities for the \dsitors. These include an amphitheater, fishing pier. Kid's Place playground, and many picnic areas. The aquarium will house aquatic life that visitors may be femiliar vdth in Corpus Christi. The aquarium will provide educational and entertaining programs and exhibits that will inform visitors about aquatic life in Corpus Christi. The exhibits will be comprised of aquatic life of the nearby ocean, but it will also contain fi-eshwater exhibits fi-om the lakes and rivers that are near to Corpus Christi. Some of the space will include the lobby, the exhibits, offices, service areas, and the exit areas. More detail will be put into those spaces later in the program. The size of the aquarium wiU be approximately 80,000 square feet.