Characterization and regulation of TeBG in mature male rabbits
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Since the discovery of Testosterone-estrogen binding globulin (TeBG) eighteen years ago, the subject of serum binding globulins has been a topic of great interest and extensive study, However, the regulation and role of this protein have yet to be determined, Once the function and regulation of TeBG is established it can be used as a tool to gain insight into the control of binding globulins and the steroids they regulate.
This study showed that rabbit TeBG selectively binds testosterone and possesses high affinity for that steroid, Castration had little effect on TeBG binding capacity, However, following castration of adult male rabbits, the administration of exogenous testosterone drastically increased the TeBG b nding capacity, This study also revealed that treatment with cyproterone acetate decreased the TeBG concentration in serum from both intact and castrated male rabbits.