Generational Teacher Cohorts in Texas Public Schools and



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The purpose of the research was to gather information about teacher generation self-perceptions, perceptions each generational teacher cohort has of other generational cohorts, and investigate the preferences each teacher generational cohort have of their supervisor. The review of literature provides characteristics associated with each generation and the job related expectations that each generation has of their employers. In the education field, however, limited research has been conducted on whether the generational job related expectations in the private sector hold true with school teachers of each generation. With the number of Baby Boomers entering retirement, the workforce is being inundated by the millennial generation. With one in five millennial teachers leaving the teaching profession within the first five years, do millennial teachers have specific supervisor expectations that differ from supervisor expectations held by other generations? If so, understanding those needs could lead to higher teacher retention and job satisfaction of the millennial generation. In addition, do school principals feel that teacher turnover rate affects student learning?





Millennials, generational cohorts
