A comparative study of limited English proficient and non-limited English proficient students in two-way/dual language programs



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Texas Tech University


The findings and recommendations of this study emerged from two objectives. Quantitatively, the first objective of this study compares the academic success of students in two districts who received instruction under the Two-Way/Dual Language model on their campuses and were identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) or Non-Limited English Proficient (N-LEP). Their academic success was measured through the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) in Reading and Mathematics. There were no significant differences in relation to the state overall LEP student population. However, there was a steady increase in improvement for this group as it related to percentage gains for both TAAS Reading and Mathematics including a gain in the reading score of 15 percentage points, yet the results did not yield a statistical significant result. Although the quantitative aspect of the study did not report statistically significant results due to the small sample sizes on the cohorts of interest, it became very clear that stakeholders measure the impact of the Two-Way/Dual Language program at a more personal and local level.

Qualitatively, a second objective of the study was to determine the perceptions of those involved in the delivery of instruction (teachers), the recipients of that instruction (students), those accountable for the outcomes (principal), and other pertinent stakeholders (parents) in the Two-Way/Dual Language Programs. There were positive attitudes by program personnel and administrators toward the impact of Two-Way/Dual Language on academic success, even though the significance remained at the local level.






English language -- Study and teaching -- Texas -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Study and teaching -- Texas -- Bilingual method
