Vaporous propane fuel injection system development for an internal combustion engine
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This thesis contains information about the conversion of a vehicle's gasoline fuel injection system to a vaporous LPG fuel injection system. Focus of the LPG fuel injection system is placed on fuel economy and lowered tailpipe emissions. A system controller for a spark ignition (SI) internal combustion engine (ICE) based on the signal information available from the original equipment manufactured (OEM) setup is presented. A diagram and a description of the implemented propane fiiel injection system are given. The environmental protection agency (EPA) urban dynamometer-driving schedule (UDDS) testing procedures for determining the fuel economy and tailpipe emissions are described and shown through a series of graphs. Testing on the LPG conversion based on the EPA UDDS is specified. Finally, results are given for the tailpipe emissions and the fuel economy from the EPA UDDS. Conclusions are based on these tests and offer solutions for additionally lowering the tailpipe emissions.