Innovations in University-Based Teacher Preparation: Comparing the ‘Grow Your Own’ Alternative to the Traditional Program at Texas Tech



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This study explored the impact of Tech Tech and Tech Teach Across Texas on student learning outcomes. We examine students of teachers who became full-time teachers in 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19. Our key identification strategy exploits variation in achievement outcomes based on students having teachers prepared through different pathways from grades 3-7. Results suggest that students with Tech Teach teachers exhibited stronger math performance compared students with teachers from the other pathways. Additionally, students taught by teachers from Tech Teach Across Texas had stronger reading scores compared to other students, and this was the only statistically significant different in reading achievement by preparation pathway. Finally, teachers from Tech Teach and Tech Teach Across Texas appear to exhibit larger differences in their students’ achievement compared to other pathways in years 2 and 3, indicating that these teachers are not only becoming more effective over time but at a much quicker rate compared to teachers from other pathways.





teacher preparation, teacher effectiveness, education policy
