Series-Bosch Technology For Oxygen Recovery During Lunar or Martian Surface Missions



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44th International Conference on Environmental Systems


Long-duration surface missions to the Moon or Mars will require life support systems that maximize resource recovery to minimize resupply from Earth. To address this need, NASA previously proposed a Series-Bosch (S-Bosch) oxygen recovery system, based on the Bosch process, which can theoretically recover 100% of the oxygen from metabolic carbon dioxide. Bosch processes have the added benefits of the potential to recover oxygen from atmospheric carbon dioxide and the use of regolith materials as catalysts, thereby eliminating the need for catalyst resupply from Earth. In 2012, NASA completed an initial design for an S-Bosch development test stand that incorporates two catalytic reactors in series including a Reverse Water-Gas Shift (RWGS) Reactor and a Carbon Formation Reactor (CFR). In 2013, fabrication of system components, with the exception of a CFR, and assembly of the test stand was initiated. Stand-alone testing of the RWGS reactor was completed to compare performance with design models. Continued testing of Lunar and Martian regolith simulants provided sufficient data to design a CFR intended to utilize these materials as catalysts. Finally, a study was conducted to explore the possibility of producing bricks from spent regolith catalysts. The results of initial demonstration testing of the RWGS reactor, results of continued catalyst performance testing of regolith simulants, and results of brick material properties testing are reported. Additionally, design considerations for a regolith-based CFR are discussed.


"The 47th International Conference on Environmnetal Systems was held in Charleston, South Carolina, USA on 16 July 2017 thorugh 20 July 2017."
Morgan B. Abney, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA
J. Matthew Mansell, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA
Ellen Rabenberg, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA
Christine M. Stanley, Qualis Corporation, USA
Jennifer Edmunson, Jacobs Technology, USA
James E. Alleman, Iowa State University, USA
Kevin Chen, University of California- Los Angeles, USA
Sam Dumez, Iowa State University, USA

