Near-wall turbulence and its modulation to the outer flow: From canonical ZPG to wind turbine airfoils
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Near-wall turbulence is relevant in a broad range of applications such as turbulence modeling, heat transfer from the surface to the flow and drag considerations among others. In this study near-wall turbulence is studied using numerical and experimental methods for different types of surface modification such as, sand grain surface roughness and a bio-inspired surface coating that shows drag reduction properties.
At the beginning, a zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer flowing over a transitionally rough surface (24-grit sandpaper) with
Further, two-point cross-correlations at different wall-normal positions are computed to investigate the footprints of structural components of the developing velocity field in the inner and outer layers. Observed features and correlations are compared for the rough and smooth cases for the single point statistics and two-point correlations. The two-point statistics reveal that the Townsend's hypothesis does not hold in the terms of turbulent velocity field structures, specifically for vertical velocity fluctuations in the log-layer and streamwise velocity fluctuations in the outer layer. Even though the single point statistics satisfy the Townsend's hypothesis in the roughness sub-layer (
We continue our study by experimentally inspecting the flow over a mushroom-shaped micro-scale coating over a diverging channel that followed the pressure side of a wind turbine blade (S835). High-resolution particle image velocimetry was used to obtain in-plane velocity measurements in a refractive-index-matching flume at Reynolds number
Finally, the experimental results of larger structures as the surface coating are discussed. Surfaces coated with the enlarged bio-inspired mushroom-shaped and also cylindrical pillars were tested and higher resolution was achieved near the wall to study the flow interactions with the coated surfaces and compared with the smooth surface. Particle image velocimetry experiments were carried out in a zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer at Reynolds number