Wearing your destination: Making tourism experience accessible for people with travel hesitation by using smart glasses
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Abstract This quantitative study is probably one of the primary efforts for offering a potential solution for people with short- and long-term travel hesitation through the lense of Self-Efficacy and Learned Helplessness Theories as well as Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In this study, travel hesitation is divided to two segments of permanent and temporary. Permanent travel hesitation includes age restrictions, visual, hearing, body impairment, Autism, and any types of disabilities. Furthermore, temporary travel hesitation includes traveling cost, having a new-born, having any types of phobias, being afraid of COVID-19 or any other COVID variants, and having no desires and interest for travel. The purpose of this study is to offer a solution for people with travel hesitations, and it includes three research questions. The data were collected from 344 sample size through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) in December 2021. The collected data were analysed through SmartPlS 3.0 software using PLS algorithm and bootstrapping techniques. This research findings verified that people with travel hesitation had willingness to use smart glasses for their travel purposes and also people’s intention to travel physically to a destination after trying smart glasses was increased.
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