Color image compression using wavelet transform
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C language coding of image compression algorithms can be a difficult and tedious
task. Image compression methods are usually composed of many stages of cascaded
algorithms. Each algorithm may be developed independently. This thesis will address
the problem of interfacing new image compression algorithms with older and established
algorithms such as entropy coding and the discrete wavelet transform. The thesis will
describe ANSI C coding procedures and functions involved in implementing two entrop
coding algorithms including Huffman coding and arithmetic coding. Wavelet theory will
be discussed as it applies to the discrete wavelet transform. The thesis will also describe
an ANSI C coding implementation of one of the newest wavelet coefficient coding
techniques, embedded zerotree wavelets (EZW) developed by Jerome Shapiro. The EZW
compression performance will be compared with JPEG which is the standard adapted
currently for still images by the Joint Photographic Experts Group.