A health center for the mind, body, & spirit: Ransom Canyon, Texas



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'\hee>\e> 5iaiemer)i^ hckieciure has the ability to heal bq creatinq an environment that promotes overall well'beinq ''der io fulfill the recoveri] of bodi, mind, and spirit, TTie mood of peace and serenity shall be lnt<jqrated bq placinq iphasis on the patient's senses. Facility TLIP^' The facility is a health center in Ransom Cannon, Texas, The focus will be on therapeutic activities ^thab will be healinq to the mind, bodq, and spirit. The spaces will consist of a psqchdoqist office, an alternative therapq " l i c e for messaqe therapq and acupuncture, and a heath club which shall include spaces for hydrotherapy, physical jrcise, amd ijoqa, Al the practices will share a communal area at the front entri], 3cope of Frojeci^ TTiis project shall incorporaie various therapeutic practices to create a whde bodq, mind, and irlt healinq process in one facilitq. The facilitL| shall be approximatelii /.O.OOO square feet. The site in transom iLjon, Texas shall offer manij patients, who reside In Lubbock, Texas, an escape from their everL|daL| stresses as well iitive views of the canqons and Buffalo 5prinqs lake, Cor^li ^taieme^" The slto is in Ivansom Cannon, Texas twelve miles Last of Lubbock, Texas near [Buffalo Lake, isom Canu^on is in Yellow House Canuon on the North fork of the Vahle Mountain Pork of the [Brazos ^iver. The area Timarilq a residential communitu, The sit^j of the health center is located alonq West Lake 3hore Prive, [Buffalo ;e borders the land on the 3outh of the proposed sit<5. West Lake ^hore Prive will become a buffer between the residential community and the facility's commercial needs. The site is adjacent to the ''common area" of the citq of [Jlaisom Cannon makinq the sit<5 a public space to share



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Architecture, Physical fitness centers -- Design, Lubbock County (Tex.)
