To speak or not to speak: Female secondary administrators and communication gender bias


This study is an examination of female secondary administrators in education and gender communication bias. The advancement of female administrators acquiring secondary administrative leadership roles is significantly less than that of males. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of secondary female administrators and analyze the effects of gender bias in communication and leadership in promotional practices of female leaders in secondary administrative positions in education. This study also attempted to identify trends of promotional practices of aspiring female administrators in relation to their communication styles by shedding light on the true communication styles of secondary female administrators, rather than society’s perception. This qualitative study utilized a critical feminist perspective in order to highlight the impact of gender bias in communication and leadership on promotional practices of secondary female leaders. A target of ten secondary female administrators was be sought to participate in this research study. Each participant in this study participated in a survey, gender implicit association test, as well as a face to face semi-structured interview with the researcher. A significant portion of this research outlined gender bias situations that female secondary administrators endure or witness. The focus of this study wasfemale change agents, communication, gender bias, and perceptions. This research added to the body of knowledge available regarding female secondary administrators and gender communication bias. This study laid the foundation for women to build upon the other female accounts and experiences, so that they may attain success in the educational leadership sector.



Secondary administrators, Female, Gender bias, Communication
