Renaissance faires and festivals: motivations and perceived value of visitors to a small Texas faire
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Although there is increased popularity of Renaissance Festivals/Faires throughout the United States there has been little current research on visitors’ motivation for attending these events. The purpose of this research was to discover visitors’ motivations for attending small Renaissance Festivals/Faires and to explore the visitors’ perceived value for attending the Renaissance Festival/Faire. The study was conducted in April 2013 at the Four Winds Renaissance Faire in Troupe, Texas. A questionnaire on motivations and perceived value for attending the faire was distributed by researchers in Renaissance attire to attendees during the two days of data collection. Results of the study indicate respondents enjoyed the variety of activities that a Renaissance Festival has to offer. The respondents liked being with others who enjoyed the same experience involved with Renaissance Festivals/Faires. The majority of the respondent’s perceived value for attending Renaissance Festivals/Faires was that Festivals/Faires are good for the community. The demographic profile of visitors showed attendees were willing to travel to attend the faire was 128 miles. Males comprised 35.8% of the sample of 123 respondents; females 64.2%. Lower income respondents were more involved with the Renaissance Festival/Faire atmosphere and culture than those at middle and high incomes.