A sustainable office building: For Mexia, Texas
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THEORY STATEME To est^ijlish an office facility that is rooted v^hin the context o^^ central Texas town to create a centraliz^ hub for busmess achieved through architectural form that i dynarpic expression of sustainability. FACILITY TYPE: A three story office building containing eight office suites on the upper two floors and a cafe open for the genral public seven days a week on the ground level. H A C I L I T Y SCOPE: \ The office building will become a centralized location of pusiness endeavors for patrons of the tri-county area of Central Texas. The facility will hold eight office suites as welms a cafe and courtyard to serve personnel, patrons, and visitors. The office building will be dynamic in that i will be\ndlessly changing; from types of business actiy, ties c a r r i ^ out within, to the daily light infiltrating th spaces. Tlie.building will be constructed from indi9enous materials that have appropriate life cycles nece^ary for creating a sustainable structure.