Overinvolvement of Greek life student involvement



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Astin (1999) defines student involvement as the amount of energy that students dedicate to the academic experience. While much of the research shows a positive correlation in student involvement and retention (Astin, 1999; Clounch, 2010; Gaskins, 2009; Chickering & Reisser, 1993; Crawford, 2007; Tinto, 1993), a gap in the literature exists regarding the potential of over-involvement by college students. In order to address the gap in literature, a qualitative survey was conducted for undergraduate students involved in Greek life at a large, public research university university in the Southwest. Results indicated that women were more involved in other student organizations compared to men. Also, women respondents were found to be more stressed than the men respondents. Results indicate that there was no significant predictor on what makes a student over-involved.



Greek life, Over-involvement, Student involvement
