Program brochure and newspaper article of theaters from March to April 2009
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"The Man Who Became Sand" by Kyle Conway, directed by Marla Britton
"Meet My Mother" by Katy Renae Baker, directed by Paul Fillingim
"A Flowering Spirit" by Orada Lelanuja, directed by Leslie Gulden
"Thespis: Athens' Greatest Chorus Member" by John Iverson, directed by Benito Vasquez
"The Tortoise and the Hare: A NASCAR Fable" by Troy Lescher, directed by Rodney Donahue
"Meet My Mother" by Katy Renae Baker, directed by Paul Fillingim
"A Flowering Spirit" by Orada Lelanuja, directed by Leslie Gulden
"Thespis: Athens' Greatest Chorus Member" by John Iverson, directed by Benito Vasquez
"The Tortoise and the Hare: A NASCAR Fable" by Troy Lescher, directed by Rodney Donahue
Theater, Texas Tech University