Regulating the Practice of Dentistry in Texas



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Texas Tech Journal of Texas Administrative Law


This article discusses the requirements necessary for board membership as well as the board’s powers and duties. It provides an overview of the requirements for licensure and mandatory practice provisions established by the board. It examines the procedures governing grievances, complaint investigations, and sanctions. It discusses the penalty provisions under both the board rules and the Texas Occupations Code. The scope of this article is limited to the regulation of dentists and will not address regulation of dental assistants, dental hygienists, or dental laboratories. This article summarizes the ways that the regulations place every dentist in Texas at risk of violating one or more of the rules due to the voluminous requirements, and in some instances, confusing language or interpretations given to the rules by the Board.



Administrative law, Dentistry, Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, Dental Practice Act, Occupational licensing


8 Tex. Tech J. Tex. Admin. L. 221