Choral canons for collegiate performance: An annotated bibliography
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This document is intended as a repertoire resource for collegiate choral conductors of un-auditioned and/or choirs comprised of principally non-music majors. It reviews current practice on the selection of quality choral repertoire, provides a brief history of the canon, defines the term in its modern understanding, and synthesizes this information in an annotated bibliography of select canons. Each selection dually functions as potential programmable collegiate repertoire within an artistic vision while providing sound pedagogical practice to build musicianship skills within the rehearsal. Chapter I explains the need for the study, which is primarily to provide high quality collegiate choral literature that improves musicianship and technical skill for choirs comprising a majority of un-auditioned and/or non-major singers. Chapter II reviews current repertoire selection practices of quality music, to provide a basis guiding the selection of included repertoire. Chapter III outlines a brief history of canon and defines the term in the modern usage. Methodology in Chapter IV describes the selection process of included canons, limiting repertoire to canons that can easily be programmed, as opposed to simply using for a teaching purpose without the intent to perform. Each bibliographical entry is further informed with the inclusion of range, tessitura, number of voices, canonic interval, text, translation, pedagogical skills/concepts, and teaching/performance considerations. Considerations further inform conductors with suggestions for teaching approaches, performance decisions, and historical information if known. Each entry suggests a difficulty rating based on range/tessitura, text, rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic components appropriate to beginning to intermediate collegiate singers. The selections in this document are intended for use at the collegiate level, particularly for ensembles consisting of few members receiving individual vocal lessons, and rated as such. Chapter V is the main body of the work, containing the annotated bibliography of select canons. Chapter VI concludes the work by offering implications for further study.