Optically Activated In-Waveguide Semiconductor Attenuators for the Controllable Isolation of Ka-Band Microwaves


Three different isolator topologies utilizing photoconductive (PC) elements are explored for their application as a controllable attenuator for a Ka -band radar system. Network analyzer measurements are reported for each geometry in the unilluminated case, while a high-speed, high dynamic range heterodyne detection apparatus is used to measure the transient attenuation behavior of the isolators when illuminated. The electromagnetic characteristics of the illuminated isolators are demonstrated to be in good agreement with COMSOL Multiphysics simulations. Two of the isolator topologies rely on the PC element becoming highly reflective to achieve high isolation, which in turn requires high optical power and charge carrier density (~10 17 cm −3 ). For the optical power available here (100 W), the first device demonstrated a peak attenuation of 53 dB, while the second device achieved only 33 dB. In the third topology, RF propagation is parallel to the major dimensions of the PC element. As a result, superior isolation is achieved with the PC element in the primarily absorbing state, associated with significantly lower carrier concentration (~10 15 cm −3 ). This device achieved 63 dB of attenuation for only 3 W of optical power, demonstrating that PC technologies may be competitive with other isolator technologies with some notable advantages.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Optical Attenuators, Silicon, Geometry, Optical Switches, Isolators, Optical Waveguides, Optical Variables Measurement, Millimeter-Wave Radar (mm-Wave Radar), Photoconductive (PC) Device, Radio Frequency Isolator (RF Isolator), Radio Frequency Switch (RF Switch)


Hewitt, A. T., Esser, B., Joshi, R. P., Mankowski, J., Dickens, J., Neuber, A., Lee, R., & Stephens, J. (2022). Optically Activated In-Waveguide Semiconductor Attenuators for the Controllable Isolation of Ka-Band Microwaves. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 70(4), 2217-2223. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMTT.2022.3144214
