Influences of balanced literacy instruction on reading performances of English learners and native-English speakers: An analysis of large-scale assessment using PIRLS
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For years, scholars and policymakers have been encouraging teachers to implement a balanced literacy instruction. However, the effects of balanced literacy instruction on the reading comprehension of students from different backgrounds have not been carefully examined in the current literature. Using the 2016 International Reading Literacy Study, this dissertation examines the performance differences in getting direct information and interpreting information of English language learners and native-English speakers. how teachers used different focuses and activities of balanced literacy instruction, and the effects of these focuses and activities on the two kinds of reading performances of native-English speakers and English language learners after controlling the influences of students' home reading resources and their enjoyment of reading. It found that native-English speakers performed better than English Language Learners in getting direct information and interpreting information. Teachers intended to implement teacher-directed activities and independent learning activities for native-English speakers’ students. In contrast, English language learners received more student-led activities than other instructions associated with balanced literacy. Meanwhile, teacher-directed activities were beneficial for native-English speakers and English language learners regarding their reading outcomes in getting direct information and interpreting the information. While students' enjoyment of reading was a negative factor in influencing fourth graders’ reading performance, their home reading resources positively influenced their reading outcomes.