Cancer research and treatment center in Malaysia


'The fact that the mind rules the body is, in spite of its neglect by biology and medicine, the most fundamental fact which we know about the process of life." •FRANZ ALEXAHDER. M D -* Health is both a pervasive private concern and a persistent public issue. In our everyday lives, there are endless advertisements that remind us about remedies and precautions of diseases. The notion that architecture has the power to heal is ascribed to the Modern movement, particularly to Le Corbusier, who believed that architecture could cure societal illness. Architecture is also a "medical talisman remains an untested proposition, but most would agree that comfortable environment with generous sunlight, air, and visual stimulation aid recuperation, particularly when the maladies are of the mind."^ Thus, it is my intention to explore architecture as an art of healing that can create hope, courage, comfort, happiness, and care to human's body, mind and soul. The facility that I intend to apply the thesis statement on as my thesis vehicle is the Cancer Research and Treatment Center. This facility will accommodate general participants and will serve as a place of healing human's body, mind, and soul. The proposed facility will be located at Malaysia. Thus, climatic responsive design will be one of the major factors in creating and achieving the healing environment.



Cancer -- Hospitals -- Design, Cancer -- Treatment, Cancer -- Research, Cheras (Selangor, Malaysia)
