Top ten assumptions for the future of academic libraries and librarians: A report from the ACRL research committee
Allen, Frank R.
Mullins, James L.
Hufford, Jon R.
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Association of College and Research Libraries
In 2006 the ACRL Executive Committee asked the ACRL Research Committee to determine ten assumptions about the future that would have a significant impact on academic libraries and librarians. In the ensuing months, members of the Research Committee reviewed previous similar reports; surveyed ACRL committees, councils, and sections; conducted literature reviews; and reviewed the ACRL Environmental Scan of 2003. What emerged was a long list of statements that, after deliberations, was shortened to the ten most pertinent assumptions. These assumptions identify present conditions that the committee feels will have a significant impact on how academic libraries and librarians plan for the next ten years.
Academic libraries, Library Science, Research
Hufford, J. R., Mullins, J. L., & Allen, F. R. (2007). Top ten assumptions for the future of academic libraries and librarians: A report from the ACRL research committee. College and Research Libraries News, 68(4).