Variational tight-binding method for simulating large superconducting circuits


We generalize solid-state tight-binding techniques for the spectral analysis of large superconducting circuits. We find that tight-binding states can be better suited for approximating the low-energy excitations than charge basis states, as illustrated for the interesting example of the current-mirror circuit. The use of tight binding can dramatically lower the Hilbert-space dimension required for convergence to the true spectrum, and allows for the accurate simulation of larger circuits that are out of reach of charge basis diagonalization.


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.




Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, Superconducting Qubits, Tight-Binding Model, Condensed Matter, Materials, & Applied Physics


Weiss, D. K., DeGottardi, W., Koch, J., & Ferguson, D. G. (2021). Variational tight-binding method for simulating large superconducting circuits. Physical Review Research, 3(3), 033244.
