2021-10-222021-10-22202186 Mo. L. Rev. 211https://hdl.handle.net/2346/88133Examines the integrated confidentiality system that now pervades American dispute resolution. This Article first considers the structure and impact of court confidentiality. Much of the current system is driven by inertia, tradition, and player incentives (in addition to formal rules). Next, the Article examines some of the existing limitations on court confidentiality and proposes a few alternatives. These proposals include new limitations on private confidentiality agreements for litigation information, an appropriately expanded role for the First Amendment in protective-order disputes, and limitations on umbrella protective orders and sealing orders.engDispute resolutionCourt confidentialityPrivate confidentialityProtective ordersUmbrella protective ordersSealing ordersLimits on court confidentialityDiscoveryGood causeFoundational and Contemporary Court ConfidentialityArticle