Lochbaum, MarcStevens, Tara2021-09-272021-09-272015-052021-09-27May 2015https://hdl.handle.net/2346/87955The purpose of the current meta-analytic review and investigation was to examine the implicit theories, perceived competence, and 2 x 2 achievement goals in exercise and sport settings. Specifically, to examine the revised social-cognitive model of achievement motivation and its effectiveness in these particular settings. The meta-analytic review was conducted to gain a better understanding of the relationships between these variables in exercise and sport settings in the extant literature to provide guidance for future research. The review showed that research in exercise and sport had yet to examine these variables in a competitive sport setting with a true performance outcome. The investigation was then created based on this finding. In the investigation, 455 university golf class students completed measures to assess the revised social-cognitive model constructs with a true performance measure (golf putting score). Structural modeling was employed to examine the revised social-cognitive model’s fit in the competitive sport setting. The results showed that the model was an acceptable fit and most of the hypotheses based on the meta-analytic review findings were supported. Specifically, findings from the investigation showed the importance of incremental beliefs, high perceived competence, and approach goal adoption on performance in a competitive sport setting. Since this was the first study to examine the revised social-cognitive model in a competitive sport setting with a true performance measure, directions for future research are discussed.application/pdfRevised social-cognitive modelcompetitive sportimplicit theories2 x 2 achievement goalssport competencemeta-analysisA META-ANALYTIC REVIEW AND INVESTIGATION OF THEThesis2021-09-27