2022-06-172022-06-17202013 Est. Plan. & Cmty. Prop. L. J. 269https://hdl.handle.net/2346/89663This comment will first explore the history and prevalence of domestic and financial abuse. Next, it will explore the statutes that are in place to address this form of abuse and who is protected. The comment will then compare Texas statutes to those of other states. Finally, this comment will propose a spousal abuse disqualification statute and a model that Texas can follow to implement further protections for victims.engSpousal abuseSpousal violenceFinancial abuseCommunity propertySlayer statutesDuress and undue influenceFinancial exploitationMarital faultDomestic violenceSpousal Abuse Disqualification Statute: It’s Time to Protect Other VictimsArticle