2018-10-292018-10-2919724 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 217https://hdl.handle.net/2346/82013Discussion involves a state taking away an unwed father’s children without proper due process. The Court held that states must give notice to unwed fathers and conduct a hearing before taking custody away from the father. This decision increased the rights of unwed fathers though these rights are not yet on an equal par with married fathers.engDue processUnwed fatherDependency proceedingFamily lawParental fitnessPutative fatherChild custodyUnfit parentStanley v. IllinoisCase noteWhen the Mother Dies, an Unwed Father Is Deprived of Due Process if the State Takes His Child Without a Hearing on His Fitness as a ParentFamily Law – When the Mother Dies, an Unwed Father Is Deprived of Due Process if the State Takes His Child Without a Hearing on His Fitness as a ParentArticle