2017-10-262017-10-2620001 Tex. Tech J. Tex. Admin. L. 217http://hdl.handle.net/2346/73295This comment provides a detailed review of qualified expert testimony and its use in administrative proceedings. Specifically, the author examines the evolutionary process for use of expert testimony amongst the federal courts and reviews how Texas courts have adapted the federal framework to fit their own needs. Following extensive review of contemporary law concerning expert testimony, the author suggests that lawyers, judges, and others who maintain a firm understanding of the law regarding experts will be able to ensure that only qualified experts, offering relevant and reliable testimony, will be used to assist them in reaching a just result.engQualified expert testimonyAdministrative proceedingsExpert testimonyExpertFrye v. United StatesFay-Ray Corp. v. Texas Alcoholic Beverage CommissionE.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Inc. v. RobinsonMerrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. HavnerGammill v. Jack Williams Chevrolet, Inc.An Overview of the Use of Experts in Administrative ProceedingsArticle