2021-10-202021-10-202012Bruce M. Kramer, Oil and Gas Leases and Pooling: A Look Back and A Peek Ahead, 45 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 877 (2012-2013)https://hdl.handle.net/2346/88129Provides some historical background on the development and use of the leasehold pooling clause; review interpretational issues that have impacted the clause; review the court-imposed standards of conduct on a lessee's exercise of the pooling power; and, finally, make some recommendations regarding how pooling and unitization clauses can be utilized to deal with the reality of horizontal wellbores, larger spacing units, and the to-date imperfect information regarding drainage patterns that occur after shales and other formations have been hydraulically fractured.engHistorical background of oil and gas leases and poolingBasic pooling jurisprudenceExpress restrictions on the pooling powerSuggestions for the future relating to oil and gas leases and poolingCourt-imposed standards of conduct on a lessee's exercise of the pooling powerHorizontal wellboresHydraulically fracturingOil and Gas Leases and Pooling: A Look Back and A Peek AheadArticle