2018-11-132018-11-1319756 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 1171https://hdl.handle.net/2346/82188Discusses the increase in use of limited partnerships with corporate general partner. This increase is due in part because of the advantages associated with such an arrangement. The author proves this by listing pros and cons of the limited partnership.engTexas Uniform Limited PartnershipULPALimited partnershipCorporationsGeneral partnershipSole proprietorshipDelaney v. Fidelity Lease Ltd.Case noteAbsent Creditor Reliance, A Limited Partner Who Is a Director of the Corporate General Partner Is Not Personally Liable for Partnership ObligationsLimited Partnerships – Absent Creditor Reliance, A Limited Partner Who Is a Director of the Corporate General Partner Is Not Personally Liable for Partnership ObligationsArticle