Myhra, Alison2010-04-212010-04-21199918 Rev. Litig. 27 have specialized expertise in drug therapies and their associated risks. This article discusses whether pharmacists are subject to liability and must inform third parties of adverse effects of drug therapies, the traditionally narrow view of the role of pharmacists, the contemporary view of an expansive role of pharmacists, and the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1990. The article concludes with the realization that while Texas courts have not yet imposed on pharmacists a duty to warn patients or physicians of adverse drug interactions or effects, the courts in the future will likely determine that such a duty does exist.Tort liabilityRoles and responsibilities of pharmacistsFailure to warnpharmacistdrug therapymalpracticenegligenceTexasduty to warnThe Pharmacist's Duty to Warn in TexasArticle