Meyers, Courtney2018-02-132018-02-132017-082017-07-28August 201 safety is an issue that impacts all consumers and the event of a food recall can have significant implications for a food company and the broader agriculture industry. In 2015, Blue Bell Creameries had its first recall in the company’s history. Blue Bell issued a voluntary recall of all of its ice cream products after Listeria was detected and was linked to 10 illnesses that resulted in three deaths. The purpose of this study was to explore how the 2015 Blue Bell ice cream recall was presented in company press releases and news media coverage to determine what crisis communication strategies Blue Bell was implementing and how the media presented that information. This study was a content analysis of 23 press releases from Blue Bell and 68 articles from newspapers. Coders analyzed the articles to answer the research questions. The theoretical framework was based on framing and Situational Crisis Communication Theory. The four crisis response strategies, or postures, used as frames were deny, diminish, rebuild, and bolster. This study also examined sources identified in the articles and the topic areas they discussed. The results indicated Blue Bell’s communication efforts were properly and effectively disseminated through the news media to the public. Blue Bell used accommodative crisis communication postures to restore its reputation. Blue Bell was also actively found as a source in the news stories, which benefitted the company when communicating about the recall to the public. Also, Blue Bell’s positive prior reputation helped the company when restoring its reputation and brand loyalty. Recommendations for research and practice are provided.application/pdfBlue Bell creameriesBlue Bell ice cream recallFood safetyFood recallsA Comparative Content Analysis of News Stories and Press Releases during the 2015 Blue Bell Ice Cream RecallThesis2018-02-13