2019-08-262019-08-26201927 N.Y.U. Envtl. L.J. 57https://hdl.handle.net/2346/85071This Article argues that when the institution charged by Congress with protecting the country's environmental and human health systematically diminishes the role of scientists in policymaking, reduces transparency, and vows to end the war on industry, it has arguably failed in its mission. And, as a result, this agency will no longer be able to protect the most vulnerable communities and ecosystems. When science is methodically removed from the equation by those who are closest to industry, environmental protection is reduced to a ghostly existence where pollution will go unchecked, and the environment will be an echo of what it once was: a darker version of reality-or the upside down. And, the first to suffer will be those who have historically been subjected to environmental discrimination with little attention. These populations have been those of color: African-Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian and Pacific Islanders who disproportionately live and work in the most polluted environments.engEnvironmental Protection AgencyEPAFlint, MichiganCoal miningDakota access pipelineSecrecy in governmentDonald Trump administrationAttack on scienceThe Upside Down: A New Reality for Science at the EPA and Its Impact on Environmental JusticeArticle