Honoring Sovereignty: Aiding Tribal Efforts to Protect Native American Women from Domestic Violence




Hart, Rebecca A.
Pearl, M. Alexander Lowther

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Native American women who are victims of domestic violence face many obstacles and issues not necessarily faced by white women who are victims of domestic violence. This comment examines the effect domestic violence has on tribal communities, the role of government in preventing and responding to domestic violence, tribal sovereignty and federal Indian law, the Violence Against Women Act of 2005 and other efforts by Congress to protect Native American domestic violence victims, and policy recommendations for the future.



domestic violence, tribal sovereignty, remedy, Federal Indian law, Indian law, American Indian law, Violence Against Women Act of 2005, VAWA, Major Crimes Act, MCA, General Crimes Act, GCA, Public Law 280, P.L. 280, tribal codes, tribal courts, peacemakers courts, Oliphant


Rebecca A. Hart & M. Alexander Lowther (Pearl), Honoring Sovereignty: Aiding Tribal Efforts to Protect Native American Women from Domestic Violence, 96 Calif. L. Rev. 185 (Sept. 2013).