Your Administrative Case is Going to Mediation: Are You Ready?



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Texas Tech Journal of Texas Administrative Law


This article is designed to prepare attorneys for ADR proceedings in administrative cases. It starts by familiarizing the reader with certain ADR processes and the legal framework that supports their use in Texas government. It explains issues that attorneys should consider as they prepare to represent clients in ADR process, and how this process calls upon a different set of skills than those associated with trial advocacy. It breaks down nine steps of the mediation process. Finally, it highlights some of the positive outcomes that can be reached via ADR processes as compared to administrative litigation.



Administrative law, Administrative Dispute Resolution Act, ADR Procedures Act, Mediation, Alternative dispute resolution, ADR, Impartial third party, Governmental Dispute Resolution Act, Sovereign immunity, Interest-Based Negotiations


6 Tex. Tech J. Tex. Admin. L. 189