Cutting the Knot: The Use of ADR in Texas Agencies



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Texas Tech Journal of Texas Administrative Law


Discusses how Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) can reduce the unwanted effects of litigation in agency adjudication. Starts with the basics of ADR and how ADR works, then discusses the history of ADR in Texas, and finally looks at how Texas agencies have incorporated ADR. Compares the ways that the State Office of Administrative Hearings, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, and the Texas Department of Public Safety have implemented ADR methods.



ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution, State Office of Administrative Hearings, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Department of Public Safety, Administrative law, Mediation, Arbitration, SOAH, TNRCC, DPS


Justin Wayne Beam, Cutting the Knot: The Use of ADR in Texas Agencies, 3 Tex. Tech J. Admin. L. 125 (2002).