Bold Action for a Prosperous Future: Evaluation of the Foundation High School Program and Academic and Career Trajectories of Texas High School Graduates


Over the past few decades, the claim that a high school diploma is insufficient education to establish a career that will provide family-sustaining wages in a rapidly changing economy has gained increasing acceptance. In response to this understanding, Texas House Bill 5 (HB 5) established the Foundation High School Program (FHSP) in 2014-15, shifting high school graduation requirements to place a greater emphasis on preparation for career opportunities, especially those aligned with local industry needs. Philanthropy Advocates commissioned Texas Tech University's Center for Research and Learning in Education to better assess whether FHSP has been meeting its goals, such that Texas high school graduation coursework requirements foster success after high school. The core question asked at the outset of this research was: Are policies that mandate and/or incentivize PK-12 and postsecondary institutional behavior in alignment with policies such as HB 5 and other efforts aimed at increasing college-readiness and postsecondary success of Texas students? Last updated June 7, 2023.


This material is based on work supported by Philanthropy Advocates. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding organization.


HB 5, House Bill 5, Endorsement


Kirksey, J. J., Wiseman, A. W., Gottlieb, J. J., Lansford, T., Mansell, K. E., & Crevar, A. R. (2023). Bold action for a prosperous future: Evaluation of the Foundation High School Program and Academic and Career Trajectories of Texas High School Graduates. Texas Tech University. Center for Innovative Research in Change, Leadership, and Education.