Intra-group factorial model as the basis of pedagogical control over motor and functional fitness dynamic of 14-16 years old girls
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The purpose of the research: to determine methodological approaches to pedagogic control over motor and functional fitness dynamic of 14–16 years’ age girls. Material: in the research 14 years’ age (n=31), 15 years’ age (n=26) and 16 years’ age (n=28) girls participated. Results: for pedagogic control over motor and functional fitness dynamic of 14–16 years’ age girls the most informative were the following tests: for 14 years’ age girls: “Serkin’s test” (0.854), “Shuttle run 4х9 m” (0.833), “Genchy’s test” (.814), “Pressing ups in lying position” (.762); for 15 years’ age girls: “Hanging on bent arms” (.967), “Jumps with additions” (.964), “Serkin’s test” (.928), “Strange’s test” (,927); for 16 years age girls: “Jumps with additions” (.959), “Long jump from the spot” (.959), “Genchy’s test” (.945), “Strange’s test” (.938). Conclusions: factorial intra-group model of motor and functional fitness dynamic of 14, 15 and 16 years’ girls is the basis for optimization of pedagogic control at physical culture lessons in schools. In factorial model of motor and functional fitness dynamic of 14 years’ age girls, priority place is taken by functional fitness of respiratory and cardio-vascular systems, coordination and power fitness. In 15 years’ age girls the place of priority is taken by coordination and power fitness, functional fitness of respiratory and cardio-vascular systems, differentiation of space characteristics of movements. In 16 years old girls the place of priority is taken by functional fitness of respiratory and cardiovascular systems, power fitness and power endurance.