Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU) Chamber B Thermal Vacuum “Suit 2” Pressure Garment System Test Article Results



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2024 International Conference on Environmnetal Systems


NASA�s Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU) is the government reference next-generation space suit design and is engineered to protect astronauts from extreme lunar environmental temperatures. To evaluate the xEMU hardware thermal requirements, the xEMU Testing Team invented, designed, and executed a dual-suit, uncrewed thermal vacuum (TVAC) test at Johnson Space Center�s (JSC) Chamber B. This paper details the test results from the �Suit 2� Pressure Garment System (PGS) test article. The primary objective of the �Suit 2� PGS test article was to evaluate system-level suit heat leak and environmental protection garment thermal performance. Eleven unique thermal profiles were tested, including both cold and hot environmental cases, over the course of five continuous days of testing. The radiative thermal environment was controlled through exposure to liquid-nitrogen shrouds on the chamber walls and through a heater cage surrounding the test article. This paper will principally focus on system-level thermal results from the �Suit 2� PGS test article. This paper will examine data collected from one-hundred and seventy thermocouples located in critical locations inside and outside of the suit, as well as seven resistance thermometers (RTDs) for calorimetry to determine total heat flux in and out of the suit. The test data will be compared against the system-level PGS thermal models for model validation. To conclude, this paper will address knowledge gaps presented by unmanned xPGS thermal vacuum testing and the current state of lunar PGS thermal modeling and testing.


Ben Swartout, Jacobs Technology, Inc., USA
Michael Lewandowski, Jacobs Technology, Inc., USA
David Westheimer, NASA Johnson Space Center(JSC), USA
ICES408: Extravehicular Activity: xEMU Thermal Vacuum Testing
The 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems was held in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, on 21 July 2024 through 25 July 2024.


Space Suit, Xemu, Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit, Thermal Vacuum, TVAC
