Vehicle Modeling during the Burning of Cotton Samples in the Saffire IV and V Experiments



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2023 International Conference on Environmental Systems


Predicting the transport of combustion products and heat during a spacecraft fire can help design a safer vehicle and mission. The Saffire project has provided data on the spread of large fires in a microgravity environment within Northrup Grumman’s Cygnus vehicle after a resupply mission to the ISS. Solid materials, including cotton-based samples were ignited to study flame spread and the effect a fire has on a vehicle. Sensors were placed within Cygnus that measured carbon dioxide concentration and temperature. A model of the Cygnus vehicle was developed using inlet and outlet data of Saffire and the descent phase cargo configuration photos. The initial gas phase volume of the model did not match volume measurements provided by the release of CO2, likely due the porous nature of the trash and cargo in Cygnus. Holes were placed in the model cargo to match the experimental volume, providing a better prediction of species transport. Surface heat transfer was calibrated to match the closest remote sensor to the Saffire IV outlet, (RS3) in the forward port standoff, providing a better prediction of the temperature throughout the vehicle.


Justin Niehaus, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
John Brooker, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
ICES509: Fire Safety in Spacecraft and Enclosed Habitats
The 52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems was held in Calgary, Canada, on 16 July 2023 through 20 July 2023.


Fire Safety, Modeling, Heat Transfer
