Xplo-SA9T: Optimization of Sorbent Technology With Existing and New Amine Variants for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Humidity Control



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2024 International Conference on Environmnetal Systems


Scrubbing of the spacesuit air stream to control humidity and regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) relies on amine-loaded resins, colloquially known as sorbents. The efficacy of Rapid Cycle Amine technology relies on the propensity of nitrogens toward adsorption of CO2 while simultaneously offering regenerative properties under vacuum or positive pressure. The commonly utilized sorbent, SA9T, was recreated and evaluated further to increase stability and serve as a benchmark comparison for newly synthesized amine sorbent technologies. Ongoing storage studies with eight different environments will allow the development of applicable storage protocols and provide insight into possible ammonia generation pathways. Attempts to alleviate the known issues with SA9T included the alteration of the primary amine (tetraethylenepentamine), the choice of resin, and the particle size distribution. In-house CO2 breakthrough experiments were conducted using a specialized apparatus that can simulate spacesuit conditions, offering high-quality triplicate capacity analysis affording direct comparison to known adsorbents in the literature. Thermo-Desorption Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry studies on the synthesized materials revealed any reagent or solvent off-gassing while Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy tracked the stability of the bound amine. Scanning Electron Microscope images of sieved materials provided a more accurate size interpretation facilitating synthetic design and pressure drop elimination. All efficient sorbents were synthesized to a commercial scale subsequent to sufficient testing including Xplo-SA9T.


John Tidwell, Xplosafe LLC, USA
Nicholas Materer, Oklahoma State University, USA
Evgueni Kadossov, XploSafe LLC, USA
Hanna Anderson, XploSafe LLC, USA
Zachary Brown, XploSafe LLC, USA
Michael Teicheira, XploSafe LLC, USA
Shoaib Shaikh, XploSafe LLC, USA
Allen Apblett, Oklahoma State University, USA
ICES402: Extravehicular Activity: PLSS Systems
The 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems was held in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, on 21 July 2024 through 25 July 2024.


Sorbent, CO2, xPLSS, xEMU, RCA
